Takes Place Next Sunday 25th June, 2017
in Carbury GAA hall and grounds.
2pm – 6pm
Side-shows include: Bouncing Castle, Ice cream Van, Candy Floss, Popcorn, Merry Go Round Van, Tea Tent, Bric a Brac stall, Wheel of Fortune, Book Stall, Cake Stall, Mouse Bingo, Sweet Stall Cupcake/Bottle/Toy stall, Weight of the Cake, Name of Doll Stall, Sweets in the jar, Half and Half/Lucky Tree, Ball in the Barrel, Penalty Shoot, Hanging Clothes on the Clothes Line.
Come Along for a Great Days Fun!
Items are still being accepted for the Wheel of Fortune, Bric-A-Brac and Book Stall. We would like to thank everyone who has offered to help and to all who have donated items to our Parish. Tickets for the raffle, are now on sale from the Sacristy in both