Mass was celebrated at Trinity Well last Sunday. There was a very large turnout in spite of the windy conditions. Before Mass started, the World Meeting of Families Candle was placed before an Icon of the Holy Family in front of the Altar. It remained lighting for the whole of the Mass. It was very appropriate to remember our own families on the day we celebrated God’s family of Father, son and Holy Spirit, while we look forward to August 2017 when families from Ireland and all over the world, will come to Dublin to celebrate family life. Hopefully Pope Francis will visit too. After Mass people took water from the well to bring home. The Rosary was recited after Mass and also at 2pm. We were blessed that no rain fell. Thanks to all who prepared the ground for Mass and for the erection of the tent and the bunting. Thanks to Brian and the choir, the collections, the Ministers and all who read and assisted at Mass and also to the Servers and sacristans. Lastly, thanks to Wesley and Una for their kind permission.