Kilshanroe Church Renovation Project – Information Evening


 Image result for kilshanroe

Plans for the renovation of Kilshanroe Church are progressing very well, Thank God. Many thanks for your comments and feedback on the proposed plans to date. Your ongoing input is much appreciated.


As previously mentioned, the Design Team are currently focusing on options for the interior of the church and for the altar. In this regard, we will be holding an Information Evening in Kilshanroe Church on Monday the 18th June at 7.30pm.  On the night, the Project Manager, Padraig Arthur, from Chancery Group, will make a presentation and provide an update on the plans. Parishioners will have the opportunity to discuss all aspects of these plans and to provide additional feedback with regard to the proposed renovations.


The church is due to close towards the end of June and will be reopening in December (dates to be confirmed shortly).  During this period, Masses will be held in Kilshanroe National School at the normal Mass times. We look forward to seeing you at the information evening.


Once again, many thanks for your prayers and support.   Fr. John Fitzpatrick P.P.